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How can you create more happiness, love and confidence in yourself and your life?

How can you create more happiness, love and confidence in yourself and your life?

Happy New Year, Everyone! 

I hope you had a lovely celebration to bring in 2023. Our last blog was about the step-by-step process that A Guide to Daily Success takes you through and how you can set goals and actually achieve them. 

This time of year can be inspiring, but it can also be full of pressure, dreams, hopes and sometimes downright depressing! 

The What: I sat down and set my goals on the 29th of December, 2022. My partner also sat down with me and set his goals. Then we set our relationship goals for 2023. However, we don't just set goals for the year ahead; we set goals for the next 3 years and the next 10 years. That doesn't mean you have to know what you're going to be doing in 3-10 years, but you sure can set a goal on how you want to feel, what you want to look like and who you want to be! As a consequence, the last few days of 2022 were kind of slow for me mentally and emotionally; I felt a shift and change because, surprisingly, a lot of what I wrote down in my goal-setting process in the Diary had shifted from the previous year. Although it was along the same lines, the way I wanted to achieve things and who I wanted to be had altered. Upon reflection, this shift was due to the last 2 years of working through my process and moulding into who I thought I wanted to be. However, I realised as I moved through the motions that I wanted to manoeuvre into a slightly different version. That's why these processes are so important. Through success, reflection and change, I had shifted my view of who I wanted to be, and without being able to see my goals, intentions and achievements over the last year and a half in my diary, I might not have noticed. But now, on day 3/365 in 2023, I feel ready and excited about what lies ahead.

The principle here is; sometimes, not everything happens at once. You can't just set goals and intentions and then expect your body and mind to catch up with you and begin achieving the very next day. I have been and am guilty of this, however, I am improving! Sometimes you have to let yourself mull it over, adapt and change with the new outlook, and you always have to be kind to yourself. Hold yourself to your daily practices nourishing your mind and your routines. Give yourself time, make sure you have a system and then take the physical actions to help achieve them. 

This year I am sharing with you some practises that I will be aiming to achieve to improve my overall well-being and mental health.

The Actions: Here's a list of things you can easily and actively do during your day to actually help your mental health, and therefore, you can feel better and more able to achieve what you desire. 

  • Be More Present - if you need help, tap into your senses (e.g. what do you see, what do you hear, what can you smell, and what can you feel) 
  • Set Boundaries and learn to say no 
  • Get more sleep
  • Restrict your time on social media 
  • Practice moving your body in a positive way, whether that be exercising, stretching, yoga or dancing
  • Drink more water
  • Connect with the people who are important to you and help you feel positive about your life
  • Read more
  • Declutter your home and then you can help declutter your mind
  • Be Kind to yourself
  • Participate in events, charities, communities, sports etc., that mean something to you
  • Love your body (even if you can't believe it look in the mirror every day and make yourself say "I Love You" or "I Love my body") 
  • Try new things 
  • Make goals that matter to you and develop steps and processes so you can work towards achieving them every day
  • Reward yourself when you achieve something
  • Give yourself permission to be proud of yourself and to love yourself

If you decide to take on some or all of these things let me know! I'd love to hear of your experiences and what you're doing to actively improve your well-being this year. 

Love Sav & Billy x

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