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New Year, New Me? Find out why this isn't going to work for you this time...

New Year, New Me? Find out why this isn't going to work for you this time...

New Year is around the corner, and therefore so are the annual ideas of

  • New Year's resolutions
  • New Year, New Me
  • Finally going to achieve what I've always wanted
  • I want to go skydiving this year
  • I want to run a marathon
  • I want to improve my mental health
  • I want to start learning a language
  • I want to lose weight
  • I want to eat healthier

You name it; the list goes on. 

These ideas, goals and dreams are doable but only with planning, organisation, drive and the right mindset attached. 


As someone who claims to specialise in goal setting, I stumbled into really. (small storytime, scroll if you don't care) I realised I was good at it when I helped a few younger girls who ride horses to complete their goals for the season. Still, every place I looked for a well-outlined system didn't seem motivating or like it would stick. So I created my own, first for myself and other adult riders, and then I made a kid's version. Which has had a few years of tweaking and improving, it can still be improved, but I'm pretty happy with where it is at. Currently, we have helped over 500 people reach their goals this year! (story time is over) 

Back to the point, goal setting or whatever you want to call it, and it is imperative for sustainable success. The art of setting a goal and planning to achieve it is one that I have worked pretty hard to master both academically and in my sporting endeavours with equestrian. I've learnt that you need steps, a system, routine, consistency, reflection and small incremental goals that come with rewards attached to achieving the bigger goals. PLUS HARD WORK!


Most of us roll around yearly and make a new goal for that year. This has become a trend, #NewYearsResolutions #NewYearNewMe but these tend to (not always!) expire. They're short-lived or not sustainable in your own life; you start off feeling good, determined, and motivated and then, at some point in the year, you lose sight of the goal. You may tell yourself several different things to make yourself feel better about not achieving it when you look back. But the truth is you needed a system, routine and a way forward to help you achieve the goals. 


If you're still reading this, CONGRATS!! Because I'm about to give you a small insight into how 500+ people have achieved their goals with this simple system. The system is in-depth, explained and outlined nicely every day, week and month in A Guide to Daily Success . But it's a time of giving, so here is part of the system broken down in a few steps and simply explained. 


Reflect, Set, Succeed. 

  1. First of all, you need to outline what drives you. Without drive, we only have a short-lived experience of motivation, which comes and goes. 
  2. Reflection for drive & confidence. You have to reflect on 2022, 2021, 2020 and so on. What worked, what did you love, what did you do that you loved so much and were so proud of? Write down things that you have done, especially this year, and even in your life, that you were proud of. Feel those feelings, what did it feel like, what did it look like? What do you want to see more of in your life?
  3. Reflection for learning. This is not to look back and critique or to feel negative about yourself and your achievements. This is the art of looking back to learn, but not to live in that space. (live in the area of step 2). What did you do in 2022, 2021, 2020 etc., that you want to improve? What did you feel that wasn't you? What do you want to get rid of in your life that is not serving you anymore?
  4. Set goals, set many, many goals. For the short term, for the long term, and for life. Set goals for how you want to feel, who you want to be, and what you want to achieve. Dream as big as you want, but dream for you, not for anyone else. 
  5. Succeed, now I can't let all the secrets out, but to succeed, you need consistency, you also need to reflect consistently, and you must reward yourself.


To find out more, you're going to have to get yourself A Guide to Daily Success and join 500+ others that made this year and the rest of their life theirs. But thank you for joining me, reading with me and taking on REFLECT, SET, SUCCEED with me. If you made it this far, I'm impressed, so here is a discount code for you to kick-start your 2023. Use 'MINDSET' at checkout.


It has been a pleasure to help so many people in our first year of business. I love hearing your stories and seeing what you're doing with the diary, planners and just in life. So if this resonated with you and you feel like you might need help with it, or you have a diary and something to share, my inbox is ALWAYS open. 



Sav & Billy x

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